The Pros and Cons of Field Sales vs Digital Sales: What You Need To Know

Sales teams nowadays have more options than ever to reach customers and close deals due to the recent boom in technology. Traditional field sales is an important position in many companies and industries. However, digital sales has exploded since the pandemic, which offers even more opportunities for salespeople. In this post, we will take a deep dive into the pros and cons of field sales and digital sales. Whether you are a seasoned sales executive or just getting started, understanding the benefits and deficiencies of each approach can help you maximize your sales success or help you find the perfect sales job you have been looking for.

What is Field Sales?

Definition of field sales

Field sales is a more traditional approach, one that is still used by many businesses today. In a nutshell, it is all about meeting potential customers face-to-face, whether it is on the street, in a retail store, or even at your own home.

Examples of field sales techniques

There are many different forms of field sales, depending on what industry or company you are in and the target audience you are selling to. Common examples of field sales techniques include:

  • D2D aka Door to Door: Think of the classic girl scout cookie seller, going from house to house with a box full of delicious cookies. This technique can be time-consuming but allows salespeople to build meaningful relationships with potential customers.
  • Networking Events/Trade Shows: These events are meant to bring together businesses and customers in a specific industry, giving salespeople a chance to show off their products/services, connect with potential buyers, and get referrals from networking.
  • In-store Demos: If you have ever tried on a pair of shoes and bought them or have ever eaten a free food sample at Costco, you have experienced field sales. These are demos that allow the customer to try the product before they buy it. Sort of like a free trial for a service.

Pros and cons of field sales

Let’s start with the good news first, here are the field sales pros:

  • Personal touch: Field sales allow salespeople to build meaningful relationships with potential buyers, which can lead to total trust and loyalty.
  • Face-to-face environment: This can help you read the customer’s body language and identify customer problems in real time.
  • Flexibility: Field sales can be tailored to the specific needs of a business or audience, and can be a great way to stand out from competitors.

Now the bad news, here are the cons of field sales:

  • Limited reach: If your target audience is spread out across a wide territory, it could be hard to efficiently connect and reach customers.
  • Higher cost: Field sales require a lot of travel, which can be a huge expense and can add up quickly.
  • Time-consuming: Meeting customers in person can take up a lot of time, which can limit the number of leads you can pursue.

What is Digital Sales?

Definition of digital sales

Imagine never having to leave the house to sell. Digital sales is all about selling products or services online, using tools like email, social media, e-commerce websites, and conducting meetings online.

While digital sales is a much more remote technique, digital sales can still be a powerful way to connect with potential customers all over the world.

Examples of digital sales techniques

So, what are some examples of digital sales techniques? Here are a few to get you started:

  • Email marketing: By sending targeted emails to potential customers, businesses can build relationships and drive sales over time.
  • Social media advertising: Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn allow businesses to create targeted ads that reach specific audiences based on demographics, interests, and more.
  • Online meetings: These are usually done on Microsoft Teams or Zoom, and it is where salespeople from all over the world can meet virtually with potential customers.

Pros and cons of digital sales

Like any sales technique, digital sales has its pros and cons. Here are a few of each:


  • Cost-effective: Compared to field sales, digital sales can save businesses a lot of money due to fewer travel expenses and in-person events.
  • Wide reach: Businesses can reach potential customers all around the world, without the constraints of geography.
  • Data-driven: Digital sales can help businesses make smarter business decisions and refine sales strategies due to all the data that gets collected.


  • Limited personal touch: With digital sales, it can be harder to build personal relationships with potential customers.
  • High competition: There are so many salespeople and businesses selling products and services online, it can be tough to stand out from the rest.
  • Never-ending change: Digital sales are always changing and evolving, which means that salespeople and businesses need to stay on top of these trends and be able to adapt properly.

Recap of Main Points

Both field sales and digital sales have their pros and cons. Which one is right for you? Which one is right for your business? Field sales bring a more personal touch to selling with face-to-face interaction with potential customers. While digital sales offer a wider reach and a more cost-effective approach.

When it comes to field sales techniques, examples include networking, cold calling, or knocking on doors. For digital sales, techniques like email marketing, social media advertising, and online meetings can be effective for salespeople.

Key takeaways for sales professionals

So, what are some key takeaways for sales professionals? Here are a few to keep in mind:

  • Depending on your industry and target audience, field sales or digital sales may be more effective. It is important to determine which works better for your situation.
  • Stay up-to-date on trends and technologies: Digital sales is constantly evolving, and it’s important to stay on top of the latest trends and tools to remain competitive.
  • Don’t forget the personal touch: Digital sales can be cost-effective and wide-reaching, but it’s important to continue to build personal relationships in order to gain trust and loyalty with potential customers.

Final thoughts on the topic

At the end of the day, there is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to sales. All businesses have different strategies for what they want to accomplish sales-wise. For salespeople, it is totally up to you if you want to go into field sales or digital sales.

Whether you’re a fan of field sales or digital sales, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons and consider your options carefully. By staying adaptable, staying up-to-date on trends, and focusing on building personal relationships with customers, sales professionals can succeed no matter which approach they choose.

If you made it here, I appreciate you more than you could ever know. I hope you learned something from this blog and can use it to determine which sales technique is for you.

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